Ministerial Credentials

Credentialing Categories and Expectations

We provide credentialing and spiritual covering for five-fold ministers, marketplace ministers and missionaries, traveling and itinerate ministers, and foreign and domestic missionaries. Credentialing categories available:

Certified Practical Minister

Certified Practical Ministers are practical ministers or marketplace ministers who are actively involved in ministry within their arena of influence, usually in a leadership capacity. Examples may include serving within a church or outreach setting in a practical area such as youth, music, outreach, drama, theatre, intercession, cell groups, home fellowships, prison ministry, nursing home ministry, hospital visitation, etc. Practical ministers in the marketplace will be effective evangelists in the workplace. They are more than just Christians going to work. They are those who operate in their sphere of influence to effectively advance the Kingdom of God.


Certified Practical Minister Expectations:

  • One or more years of engaging in practical ministry in a church, ministry, outreach, or marketplace setting.
  • Recognized by their pastor or spiritual authority as being a fruitful leader in their given area(s) of practical ministry. 

  • Having received sufficient practical training or mentorship in their given area of ministry to adequately fulfill their roles and responsibilities. 

Licensed Minister

Licensed Ministers are actively engaged in a Christian ministry position and have two or more years of practical ministry in a church, ministry, outreach, or marketplace setting. Some examples of those seeking licensure might include missionaries, itinerant ministers, outreach ministers, associate pastors, etc. They may have completed Bible School or practical ministry training, or they may be in the process of preparing for ordination including pursuing further Bible School and/or practical ministry training, such as that provided by Eagle Worldwide Training Center, The Elisha Mentoring Program, or similar effective ministry training tools.

Licensed Minister Expectations:

  • Two or more years of practical experience in ministry in a church, ministry, outreach, or marketplace setting
  • Recommended by their pastor or spiritual authority, and recognized in their area of ministry as being a capable minister 

  • Has completed a satisfactory amount of training and equipping for the position they are undertaking 

  • Bible school and practical ministry training is recommended 

Ordained Minister

Ordination is the highest classification of ministerial credentials granted by EWWM Network of Ministries. We ordain individuals who meet the criteria and approval of the Presbytery board, and who demonstrate the fruit of operating in a five-fold ministry office as outlined in Ephesians 4:11-12. Examples include pastors, itinerant ministers, missionaries, evangelists, marketplace ministers, etc. Clergy registration with the government of Ontario is available for those who pastor a church and require the ability to marry individuals in their care. Note that a $150 clergy registration fee applies, in addition to application and ordination credentialing fees. 


Ordained Minister Expectations:

  • Three or more years of practical experience in leadership in a church, ministry, outreach, or marketplace setting
  • Demonstrates the fruit of a five-fold ministry office with ministry as a regular customary vocation in either a church, outreach or a marketplace setting 

  • Has completed a satisfactory amount of training and equipping for the position they are undertaking 

  • Bible school and practical ministry training recommended

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Chaplains are actively engaged in a Christian ministry position and have three or more years of practical leadership experience in a church, ministry, outreach, or marketplace setting. The role of a chaplain is to lead nondenominational religious services and provide spiritual support to those who are unable to attend organized religious services. Typically, a chaplain works in a hospital, prison, or university, or serves as part of the military. Key skills for a chaplain include interpersonal communication and empathy. They provide a listening ear, emotional support, and spiritual support to many, including patients, relatives, friends and hospital staff. A chaplain’s duties include performing religious rites, conducting worship services, providing confidential counseling, and advising commanders on religious, spiritual and moral matters. Chaplains and pastors both serve vital roles in leading others to grow in their faith, but each role may utilize their skills differently. For example, a chaplain is traditionally a spiritual caregiver who reaches out to anyone in need, while a pastor is typically a spiritual leader in a church. 

Chaplaincy Expectations:

  • Three or more years of practical leadership experience in a church, ministry, outreach, or marketplace setting.
  • Demonstrates the fruit of a five-fold ministry office, with ministry as a regular, customary vocation in either a church, outreach or a marketplace setting. 

  • Has completed a satisfactory amount of training and equipping for the position they are undertaking. 

  • Bible school and practical ministry training recommended.