
John Irving

John Irving

Pastor John Irving is the senior pastor of The Gathering Place of Aurora. He moves strongly in the five-fold ministry gifts by apostolically birthing and pioneering new works and ministries; demonstrating his passion for souls through his strong evangelistic gift, edifying the church through his prophetic anointing, using his gift of teaching to train and equip the Body and finally, shepherding and discipling the flock through his compassionate pastoral calling.

A graduate of Masters Bible College in Peterborough, he later achieved a Master’s Degree in Theology from Tyndale University. John has taught and ministered to children, youth and young adults in various settings, group homes, Covenant House, Yonge Street Mission and several churches over the past 35 years. He has traveled as a missionary to India, Guatemala, Korea, Bermuda, The Dominican Republic, Israel, Cuba, the Congo, Trinidad and various places in the U.S. and Canada including the Arctic.